
Ozone therapy and cancer

In 1931, Dr Otto Warburg, a German Biochemist, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for linking the lack of oxygen at cellular level to the development of cancer. Warburg’s research concluded that healthy cells in the body need oxygen to flourish, but cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment.
With this principle in mind, ozone therapy aims to enhance the efficacy and decreases the side-effects of modern-day cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Benefits of ozone therapy for cancer patients:
It has numerous health benefits for cancer patients who want to consider it as an additional form of treatment. Some of these benefits are:
Improved oxygen levels in cells, tissues and organs
Relaxation and an enhanced overall sense of wellbeing
Stimulation and strengthening of the deficient immune system
Enhancement of the body’s natural antioxidant system which protects cells against radical damage
Minimised side effects of toxic medication such as chemotherapy
PMC full text:
Med Gas Res. 2011; 1: 29.
Published online 2011 Dec 20. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-1-29
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Table 1
Ozone therapy can induce the following biological responses
a) Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery in ischemic tissue owing to NO, CO, and increase levels of intra-erythrocytic 2, 3-DPG.
b) Enhances general metabolism by improving oxygen delivery.
c) Upregulates cellular antioxidant enzymes and induction of HO-1 and HSP70.
d) Induces a mild activation of the immune system and enhances the release of growth factors.
e) Does not procure acute or late side effects.
f) Procures a surprising wellness in most patients, probably via the stimulation of the neuroendocrine system.
g) Activates neuroprotective systems.
References: [46,58,81,84,119]